Someone on Gab sent me some questions regarding mixed-race ancestry and political allegiances and asked me to share my answers publicly. Succinct TL;DR answers are at the end of the textwalls below.

1. “At what threshold can we expect a non-100% White person to genuinely act in the interests of Whites?”

This honestly depends on the individual. Not a great answer since politics should be based on generalizations and rules, rather than exceptions. I would assume that someone with living non-White ancestors (parents, grandparents, great grandparents) would be more likely to identify with their non-White ancestry, which would almost always interfere with any pro-White political views simply due to the hegemony of anti-White ideology. This isn’t to say people who aren’t 100% White can’t genuinely act in our interests; I know non-100% White people who are very pro-White and not at all subversive. This includes a half East Asian guy.

2. “At what point does Jewish ancestry become insignificant enough for a man to stop associating himself with Jews in any way and start acting in White racial interests only?”

This is a more difficult and interesting question. Again, I think it depends on the individual. People who are not raised Jewish and discover that they have some Jewish ancestry after becoming politically based are very unlikely to switch over to team ZOG. I know some 100% pro-White people who oppose Jewish power but have Jewish ancestry (up to 25% in one case), including the person who asked these questions. They don’t identify as Jewish or promote Jewish ethnic/political interests at all.

On the other hand, discovering Jewish ancestry while being politically un-based seems to make people identify with their Jewish ancestry and Jewish ethnic/political interests. Moreover, many people who identify as Ashkenazi Jewish have as little as 1/8th or 1/16th Ashkenazi ancestry. Considering that Ashkenazis on average are genetically half Middle Eastern and half European, that equates to 1/16th or 1/32nd Middle Eastern ancestry (or 6.25% and 3.125%, respectively). Southern Italians and Greek islanders have more Middle Eastern ancestry than that.

So, a not insignificant number of “Ashkenazi Jews” are essentially just LARPing Europeans. Some “Ashkenazi Jews,” like Ivanka Trump, are quite literally just LARPing Europeans with no Jewish ancestry whatsoever. But even with these low (or nonexistent) percentages of Ashkenazi ancestry, they are still 100% on board with Jewish political interests (Zionism, globalism, Leftism, etc.) and unequivocally opposed to White political interests (White nationalism, social conservatism, etc.).

In this case, it seems that people who have Jewish ancestry but do not identify with it are the exception to the rule. This is likely because Jewish cultural identity is so strong and they are, to be frank, a very powerful ethnic group. There are so many sociopolitical benefits to being ethnically Jewish that 100% racially European people will convert to Judaism or marry all of their kids off to Jews in an attempt to climb the social ladder (see: Trump, Biden).


  1. “At what threshold can we expect a non-100% White person to genuinely act in the interests of Whites?”

Usually people who don’t have living non-White ancestors (parents, grandparents, great grandparents).

  1. “At what point does Jewish ancestry become insignificant enough for a man to stop associating himself with Jews in any way and start acting in White racial interests only?”

Usually people who weren’t raised Jewish or only discover their Jewish ancestry by chance via DNA test after they become politically based. However, people who only have one Jewish grandparent or even great grandparent very often identify as Jewish and promote Jewish racial interests simply because it is socially beneficial to do so.