1. The Data
2. Commentary

1. The Data

Immigration is the most important issue for Republican voters, surpassing even the state of the economy. 71% support immigration restriction and 90% are dissatisfied with current immigration levels (Gallup, 2023).

Despite the ever-increasing immigrant population, a plurality of American citizens still supports immigration reduction (Gallup, 2023).

70% of Australian citizens want immigration to be reduced, while 42% want it significantly reduced (TAPRI, 2023). 59% of Australians want to cap immigration “until [Australia has] sufficient affordable housing” (Guardian, 2023).

57% of British citizens agree that immigration levels are too high, with bipartisan support from a plurality of Left-Wing and a supermajority of Right-Wing voters (UnHerd, 2023).

European Union:
70% of European citizens within the EU are “worried about immigration” (EU Eurobarometer, Fall 2022). An earlier poll (INSA, Dec 2021) featuring 10 EU countries found that a majority of Europeans believe the continent cannot handle the minimum number of migrants intended by the EU (59%), that their views on immigration are not taken into account (51%), and that Europe needs more effective border protection (80%).

Note: Unfortunately, I don’t have any data on Canada, New Zealand, and most European countries outside of the EU. If you have any sources, please post them in the replies.

2. Commentary

If Western countries were truly ‘democratic,’ they never would have implemented open-border immigration policies. The Western public has been opposed to mass migration since it was imposed on us in the latter half of the 20th Century, and they remain so today, as proven by the data presented in this article.

Over the last half-decade, the so-called “Far-Right” has successfully shifted the debate on immigration by mainstreaming issues like the Great Replacement and anti-White hatred. Currently, 68% of Republicans, 37% of Canadian citizens, and 32% of British citizens believe that the Great Replacement is real and intentionally targets Whites.

Since the public already wants to restrict immigration, to further expand the Overton window, we must now campaign for the mass repatriation of non-Western immigrants. The line of argumentation is simple:

White people are being ethnically replaced via mass migration → The people being imported openly hate White people → Most Whites want to reduce immigration → Unfortunately, this will not solve the problem → Instead, we should peacefully send immigrants back to their home countries.

In this recent article, I propose that mass deportation is economically sound, logistically feasible, and achievable in a matter of years. All of the evidence is on our side and much of the public is too. Our biggest problem is the corrupt Western establishment, infested with deracinated cosmopolitans and deranged “woke” freaks of every variety.

Related articles:

1. Non-White immigration was banned throughout the Anglosphere before the Second World War
2. Mass deportation is economically sound, logistically feasible, and could be accomplished in a matter of years