Low-intensity but gradually escalating interethnic conflict currently plagues all Western countries. If left unresolved, it could persist for centuries and lead to the collapse of our entire civilization. The only viable, peaceful, sustainable solution is mass deportation. However, this proposal is often met with abject horror and dismissed out of hand as a physical impossibility: “You can’t just round up and kick out all of those people!” Really? History says otherwise.

During the second half of the 20th Century, decolonization forced millions of Whites to flee the Third World. Algeria, for example, expelled a million Whites (~10% of its total population) within a few years of gaining independence. Similarly, Tunisia expelled a quarter of a million Whites, while Morocco expelled just under half a million (~7% and ~5% of their respective populations). Between 1995 and 2005, one million White South Africans fled the country, citing violence as the main reason.

Huge demographic turnovers can occur in the blink of an eye or gradually over the course of decades. Kazakhstan’s native Kazakh population increased from ~30% in 1959 to ~70% in 2021, while the number of ethnic Russians fell from over 6 million in 1989 to under 3 million in 2021. Time is of the essence in the West, but the Kazakhs are an excellent example of a population that returned from the brink of demographic demise.

Aside from Kazakhstan, the aforementioned expulsions and exoduses resulted from brutal interethnic warfare, something we should hope to avoid. Western governments could (and should) prevent such conflicts from arising here by pursuing peaceful separation, but the window of opportunity is rapidly closing. If current trends persist, interethnic civil wars will become endemic to the West.

Unlike Europeans, who lived in Africa for centuries, most non-Whites have lived in the West for a few decades at maximum. According to the UK census, 40% of all immigrants entered the country within the last ten years. Non-White immigrants have no roots in the West, so they fabricate absurd revisionist myths, like “the ‘first’ Europeans were Black Africans” (National Geographic 2019Dutch News 2023). They attack our culture, history, and race with open hatred. Repatriating people who are so poorly integrated will not be difficult, and mass deportation is more than justified in light of the ongoing anti-White riots, terror attacks, and crime sprees. Countries have expelled ethnic groups for far less heinous behavior.

There are no valid logistical arguments against mass deportation. Since immigrants were rapidly imported en masse, they can be rapidly deported en masse. Western government infrastructure is far superior to the sprawling NGO networks that ship immigrants around the world and onto our doorsteps. Western militaries could be put to good use for once, as proposed by Donald Trump earlier this year: “Under my leadership, we will use all necessary state, local, federal and military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history” (Washington Examiner 2023).

What the West truly lacks is courageous leaders but with the right men in power, things can change near-instantaneously. In El Salvador, the Far-Left was ousted in 2019 by current president Nayib Bukele, a self-proclaimed “centrist” (in reality, a conservative). By 2022, he had declared a state of emergency and launched a massive police operation to purge the country of gang crime. Within a year, ~60,000 gang members were rounded up and jailed, 1% of the total population.

Bukele has a 90% approval rating and receives endless praise from the public, while deranged Leftists cry: “Human rights! Democracy! Leave those innocent gang members alone, you tyrannous Caudillo!” Moody’s Investors Service predicted that Bukele’s policies would boost economic growth (Bloomberg 2023); mass deportation would produce similar results in the West. Crime rates would fall dramatically, trust and social capital would skyrocket, dangerous no-go zones would be opened up to investment and development, strained infrastructure would be saved from the brink of collapse.

“I feel calmer, I can go for a walk. I go out to walk every night with my young children. Before I didn’t even take them out.” “We have that freedom… to be able to use the public spaces in the neighborhood without any fear.” (Salvadoran public via Reuters 2023)

In the US, over 50% of immigrants are on welfare. In South Africa, 50% of the population is 100% dependent on welfare. We see similar trends in every Western country. Giving poor people free money reduces their likelihood of working (Verlaat 2023), but many immigrants simply refuse to work. They are here for one reason only: Our leaders hand them free resources on a silver platter. Remove that incentive and they have no reason to stay in countries they openly despise. Merely barring immigrants from receiving welfare while requiring them to pay for public services (such as healthcare in Europe) would result in a flood of self-deportation. Furthermore, money saved by denying welfare to immigrants could be used to fund mass deportation.

Thanks to recent whole-population studies conducted by the Danish government (2021) and Amsterdam University (2023), we now know the financial damage of importing and supporting non-Western immigrants. The Danish government found that Third World immigrants collectively make a net-negative lifetime financial contribution. This mirrors independent research conducted in the US, which found that the net-negative lifetime contributions of Blacks and Hispanics are so significant that they push the US government into a budget deficit every year.

According to the Amsterdam University study, all immigrants who entered the Netherlands between 1995 and 2019 collectively cost the country 400 billion euros, mainly due to “redistribution through the welfare state.” Israel, India, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan were the only non-Western countries to provide an “unequivocal” net-positive financial contribution via labor immigration. However, for East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent, “the net benefits of one labour immigrant are outweighed by the net costs of one family immigrant.” Either way, flooding our elite institutions with nepotistic, high IQ foreigners is as risky as flooding them with self-hating White Leftists. Moreover, native Westerners produce more than enough capable people every generation. The US alone contains ~4.5 million Whites with an IQ over 130.

Note: This study also debunks the Globalist lie that immigration is a “solution for declining fertility” in the West.

The above data should not surprise anybody familiar with national IQ estimates, which are the most accurate predictor of GDP by far: “70% of the variation in the wealth of nations can be explained by IQ alone” (Francis 2023).

If we consider the additional social costs of crime, political instability, the loss of trust and social capital, and so on, Western countries would be better off burning hundreds of millions of dollars every decade than importing non-White immigrants, particularly from the Third World. It would be cheaper to pay every immigrant a lump sum to leave than to keep them in the West, propped up by the White taxpayer. The Dutch government could give every immigrant a “go home” bribe of 20,000 euros and the overall cost would be nowhere near what they lose by nannying them.

All Western governments would profit enormously from mass deportation, but would the corporate and financial elite, who argue that mass migration is the only path toward economic growth? One only has to look to the Far East to see that this claim does not hold water. Take Japan, for example. While far from perfect, it is essentially paradise compared to the modern West: Crime free, clean, ~98% ethnically homogeneous, ~99% racially homogeneous, and free of interethnic strife. According to Western Globalists, it should be economically destitute due to a lack of diversity. The Japanese are also experiencing low fertility, yet their GDP per capita continues to rise alongside other G7 nations and Japan remains the world’s third largest economy. As stated by Lee (2015), “Japan is not experiencing economic decline and standards of living continue to increase at favorable rates for an advanced economy – faster than long-term productivity growth.” The same study found that “moderately low fertility and population decline favor the broader material standard of living.”

Although it is an economically sound decision, restoring racial homogeneity in the West is ultimately not an economic issue. Creating a world in which White children can play outside without fear of being stabbed, shot, or “groomed” is infinitely more important than financial gain.