Professor fired for stating facts

A professor was recently fired for publishing a groundbreaking study proving that IQ is correlated with genetic ancestry:

Higher IQ is correlated with European ancestry in mixed-raced people

Study: In White+Black mixed-race Americans, higher European ancestry correlates with higher IQ. The peer-reviewed study was published in Psych Journal. You can read it here:

It’s findings were replicated in a study called Genetic Ancestry and General Cognitive Ability in a Sample of American Youths published in Mankind Quarterly:

“Consistent with predictions from the genetic hypothesis, African and Amerindian ancestry were both found to be negatively associated with [IQ / general intelligence]. The association was robust to controls for multiple cultural, socioeconomic, and phenotypic factors.”

Chinese average IQ overestimated due to biased testing

Study: Rural Chinese score 88.95 on the Raven’s non-verbal IQ test, over one standard deviation lower than the commonly cited Chinese IQ of 105. Study also finds that IQ was a better predictor of math achievement than all environmental and demographic variables. So, my theory that Chinese average IQ is overinflated due to biased sampling turned out to be true.


Ashkenazi average IQ also overestimated

A short video summarizing the theory that Ashkenazi Jewish IQ (often claimed to be as high as 115) is artificially inflated:

I’m not familiar with the channel but it seems pretty good. The guy is a very eloquent presenter. I liked his video on subverting language:

Figures from aforementioned studies on mixed-race IQ: